NGC 4321



The Silence of the Stars

Life in our universe is constantly evolving and spreading.
Presumably, our entire universe is striving to become alive.
And if a meta-universe has existed since time immemorial,
it must have already been alive for a very long time.

(Exometa Hypothesis)

Contents and sources


The future expansion of life in our universe (a preliminary consideration)

Our universe came into existence around 13,8 billion years ago after the big bang. Life arose and evolved on our planet. Human civilization progressed through the centuries and is now poised to conquer space. Mankind is in a constant process of higher development. It will advance to other solar systems and far-off galaxies, and sometime in the distant future it will have conquered the entire universe in collaboration with other civilizations. Our entire universe could therefore be infused with life in billions of years’ time. Life would then rule our universe, so to speak. In a figurative sense, we could even say that our entire universe is striving to become alive.

The meta-universe

Science now believes it is possible that our universe is just one of many – perhaps even one of an infinite number of universes. This supposition is not hard to imagine, for no matter how our universe came about, it can be assumed that the same causal origins also came into effect at other locations and at other times. The entirety of these universes is also referred to as the meta-universe (or multiverse). Each universe is unique and has its own history. In just the same way as there are different galaxies, there could also be different universes.
As with everything else in nature, the meta-universe is certain to be organized hierarchically, such as like branches on a tree, although this will not be referred to very often below for the sake of simplicity.

To avoid any misunderstandings: The meta-universe described here has NOTHING to do with the hypothetical multiverse of the Many-Worlds Theory (see Quantum Theory).

The emergence of life also in other universes - for an infinitely long time

The meta-universe has probably been in existence for infinity. That means there will be countless universes that have long undergone developments that still await us. These universes would therefore be replete with life – life in an entirely general sense: life as we could at least imagine it – in other words, in the form of extraterrestrial civilizations or life of some other nature: artificial life, for example, or other types of consciousness and intelligence. Diverse forms of life surely exist one beside the other.

Could life cross the boundaries between the universes?

Life, and especially intelligent life, is spreading and setting out to overcome all barriers, be it due to curiosity or for reasons vital to survival. Life usually finds a way. In nature, there is always some kind of connection and interaction between different parts of the world, and so the universes of the meta-universe probably do not exist entirely independently of each other either, especially if they started out originally as one entity. It would be conceivable for life to utilize such interconnections so as to cross these boundaries. Is it indeed possible that these wormholes actually exist?
Or perhaps at least an information exchange could take place. We should not underestimate this possibility, as information entails practically everything. Imagine an internet extending across universes. And what actually is consciousness? Perhaps consciousness can be transferred to other media so that at least the consciousness of an individual would be able to cross the boundaries between universes.

The infinite expansion of life in the meta-universe

It would therefore be conceivable for life to spread infinitely beyond all boundaries, throughout the entire meta-universe. Countless, self-replicating robots (Von Neumann probes) could well have penetrated every nook and cranny of every universe – even universes hostile to life. They could have researched these and, if necessary, even have made changes and incorporated them into a network. But perhaps life fulfilled the role of these robots itself.
On the one hand we have life, and on the other dead matter. What has actually achieved the greater power and influence in the meta-universe? Which one has won this battle? It may well be the case that intelligent life existing through the eons will be the winner. The speed with which life has infused and altered the meta-universe could be greater overall than the rate at which dead matter is capable of exerting its influence. There may be exceptions to this rule, but in the end, our supposition could well be right.

The reorganization of matter in the meta-universe – benefitting life since time immemorial

What actually is a world? On what basis does a world function? A world as we know it is really nothing more than a giant supercomputer working in parallel on a massive scale. Roughly speaking, its processors are the elementary particles with their interactions. A world is therefore a structure comprising interlinked elementary units. What makes a world what it is are the specific reciprocal interrelations of its elementary units. Provided that these reciprocal interrelations remain, transforming a world into a new and improved structure would be feasible.

Life very probably made this step an infinitely long time ago. It will therefore have begun to restructure large parts of the meta-universe into a form more suitable for life. Vast areas of the meta-universe, even entire universes and much of what newly came into being, were transformed into a new and improved structure.

It is surely the case that such an improved structure – like the original structure of our world – was made up of certain small and interlinked material units that the inhabitants of a world would then perhaps perceive as elementary particles or atoms. From the viewpoint of a world’s inhabitants, nothing would have changed as a result of this transformation. Everything would be perfectly normal, the same as always.

So what is the meaning and purpose of such a transformation? It would be to transform the inhabitants into the masters of their world’s structure, since the opportunities for manipulating them would have been integrated into every new structure. If need be, the inhabitants would now have all-encompassing direct access to the elementary units of their world and could make changes. They would now be able to observe, record, and copy everything from any distance, even to the point of influencing every single atom or elementary particle. They would be in a position to create things at will or transfer things instantaneously from one place to another and would even be capable of reversing time or defying the laws of nature. And whole new worlds could be ushered into existence in an instant.

The transformed meta-universe is presumably organized hierarchically as well, exactly like the meta-universe that originally developed naturally.

Life would have had an incalculably long time for its higher development and would rule the meta-universe. This does not mean that life always exercises this power latent within it. It could certainly influence everything it wanted to influence. But it does not do this, allowing new things to arise and develop on their own instead.

Is the meta-universe inexhaustible?

This question will probably never be able to be answered with certainty. But life might well be able to create new universes, as the creation of a universe is a perfectly normal process that could surely be duplicated. Perhaps new matter could also be generated at will using this method that would then have the potential to be reorganized and restructured to form new worlds, thereby establishing new living space.

The community of life forms in the meta-universe

The civilizations and complete life forms of all universes would form a community. They could become organized as a super-entity while retaining their individuality – an enormous organism whose consciousness extends across all universes, similar to how humans of today are in the process of developing a global consciousness that will embrace the entire earth.

The relation between the meta-universe and our own universe

Perhaps there are areas in the meta-universe where the creation of natural universes is allowed or even desired. Our own universe could be situated in such a region. However, it is also conceivable that our universe was actually created, its fundamental properties having been specified in a blueprint. Irrespective of how our universe originated, it may be assumed that a direct access function was implemented by means of a transformation or in some other way, permitting observation from outside and, in exceptional cases, making it possible for it to be influenced. Of course, the newly developed life forms in a universe only possess the access rights they are entitled to, meaning none at all to start with.
Our universe is most probably viewed as a nursery. It is regarded as beautiful and interesting. This lends meaning to existence, making it worthwhile to let new life form and flourish.

The silence of the stars as an indication that the Exometa Hypothesis is potentially correct

It is oddly silent in our own universe. Besides mankind, a myriad other civilizations must have arisen, including some that are already very old, having existed for many millions or even billions of years, and whose activities should hardly be possible to miss in the night sky. In fact, our earth should have been colonized long ago, meaning that we should not even exist.

This silence of the stars could indicate that the Exometa Hypothesis is correct, as the older civilizations have long gained access to other parts of the meta-universe. The possibility of direct access would have opened a door to the other worlds of the meta-universe. The older civilizations were therefore adopted into the community of the meta-universe as soon as they had achieved a certain stage of development. Mankind would therefore need to overcome its childhood ailments first for this to happen.

This is why the development of our young species is not being influenced in any way. The independent attainment of objectives, the solving of problems, and the overcoming of difficulties are indispensable for the higher development of our civilization, as this is how we are forced to devise new inventions and adopt pioneering approaches. And above all, it is essential for each and every individual in a civilization to get along with one another. Not least of all, a new civilization first has to find its unique identity. It would therefore not be doing a civilization any favor for another to come to its aid while the former is still in its infancy. The principle of non-interference prevails.

Nevertheless, it is perfectly possible that we will one day receive radio signals from a “young” extraterrestrial civilization. However, these radio signals or even something completely different could easily be kept out of our reach or concealed from us. The direct access function to our universe would make this possible, which is why it is still pretty quiet out there – at least from our viewpoint.

Is there life after death?

We are children of the meta-universe, and perhaps we are not simply meant to be lost forever. We humans are aware of our own death, and if we had the choice, we would surely decide to go on living. Perhaps our secret wish will be fulfilled.

At the moment of our death, our consciousness – in other words our brain structure, most likely – would be transferred to another part of the meta-universe. That would not be a problem thanks to the possibility of direct access. We would receive a new and younger body there, if need be. People would have the opportunity to look back at their previous lives at any time, as all the previous memories contained in consciousness would be recorded.

It cannot be ruled out that humanity itself will master the revivification of its own deceased members once they have been adopted into the community of the meta-universe in the distant future. The reanimation of people would then occur in the reverse order with respect to the time of death. One generation would help to revivify the preceding generation, which would then revivify the next older one. Those who are reanimated would naturally always awake in their familiar living environment – among the people they know. They might not even notice at first that they have “died” until it dawns on them, possibly not until many years later.
The reanimation of humanity in its entirely would progress slowly, over long spans of time, as a certain generation would first have to reach a certain degree of maturity before the reanimation of the previous generation could be commenced. However, this should not pose any problem, as time no would no longer play a role.

How would life after death appear? We would always be able to return to our familiar environment, just like the one we knew in our first life. We would also always be in contact with our former friends and family, if need be, and even be able to relive and vary the scenes of our former life. We would surely be able to visit the most diverse worlds, both alien worlds and ones we already know. Most worlds of the meta-universe would be role-playing worlds where we can train our will, our understanding, our fantasy, and our need and skills for cooperation and mutual help as well as for living with one another.
We would be able to slip into very diverse roles, change our appearance and behavior in a playful manner and immerse ourselves in the lives of other humans and life forms, thereby empathizing with them emotionally and in thought. Our abilities and opportunities would grow in a playful manner.
In this sense, we would be a part of the consciousness pervading the meta-universe, making us immortal.
That said, we do not recommend thinking too much in specific terms about a potential “after”-life. The possibilities of how things might develop are just too varied and diverse. It is also not certain whether such a later life actually exists. We should not get our hopes up too much; it may even be better to assume that it does not exist. Still, a little quiet intimation may well do no harm. In a certain sense, we are immortal anyway through our actions here on earth, and possibly the meta-universe will forever retain us in its memory.

Are we children of an ancient race of mankind?

Perhaps we are even the children of an unimaginably old humanity that has long since been adopted into the community of the meta-universe. How would the people of a future world bring up their children? Putting children directly into this infinitely varied world would surely not be conducive to the development of children.

It will have proven to be most expedient to let our children grow up in a somewhat simpler, yet nevertheless problem-oriented world instead, one that is based on the true history of humankind. The creation of a world – the earth of the 21st century, for example – could occur at the touch of a button, so to speak, and would not pose any difficulties. This too would be a possible explanation for the silence of the stars. Who knows? Perhaps most of our fellow humans or even our parents are experienced role players originating from the old world, who are continually putting us into learning and mastery situations aimed at promoting our abilities and insights.
And precisely the 21st century is very instructive, as we can experience with our own eyes how artificial worlds are created, how progress is making ever faster strides and could eventually result in a singularity. And while growing up, a child would slowly and cautiously begin to speculate on the true “nature” of its world.

So it is necessary to bring up the children of a future world in a (role-playing) world of the 21st century – otherwise, these children would not be able to understand the infinitely diverse future world at all. And, what is even more important, they would not find their true identity, nor would they feel the need to help one another or even become aware of what is good and evil. They would not know how to live alongside one another, nor would they have experienced illness and death or come to realize just how worthwhile living life actually is. See the text: "The world is merely a virtual reality!"

Conclusions from the Exometa Hypothesis

Even though the universe is quite possibly full of life, mankind continues to be responsible for its destiny. This autonomy of mankind might possibly be the most important conclusion.
What do we have to do so that the stars cease their silence? First of all, we need to resolve the global problems of humanity and get to grips with our interpersonal relationships. These are certainly the most important prerequisites to paving the way for an initial contact.

However, it may be so that the Exometa Hypothesis is only partially right. Perhaps we live in a region of the meta-universe that is still fully independent and not affected by such transformations. The Exometa Hypothesis, as described above, is actually only an ideal case – in other words, a scenario or a fiction. It may be the case that none of this is relevant at the present moment in time. This would also mean that humanity is solely responsible for its actions.

Even if the Exometa Hypothesis does not correspond to the truth, mankind may possibly realize the things it describes at some point, and perhaps we are already in the process of doing so.


Contents and sources

2001, engl. version 2012 
Author: Carsten Zander,